Sacred Mountain Ashram and Desert Ashram were founded by Swami Amar Jyoti, our Gurudeva, in the mid-1970s. The natural beauty, peace and the uplifting vibrations of the Guru offer a sanctuary for meditation and reflection. The Ashrams are non-denominational, respecting all Prophets and faiths, encouraging each of us to follow our own unique pathway to Enlightenment.
A small number of monastic disciples—monks and nuns—reside at each ashram. A simple, balanced blending of the inner life with outer service helps us maintain a spiritual focus.
You are invited to join us for a quiet personal retreat. Each ashram has limited retreat accommodations with space for relaxation, contemplation, meditation and prayer. Guests are welcome to participate in ashram life, joining the residents in their aspiration to make each moment an offering to the Divine.