Ashrams & Programs, Satsang and Spiritual Enlightenment
The Aim of Every Human Being is
Self-knowledge or Enlightenment
~ Swami Amar Jyoti
The Aim of Every Human Being is Self-knowledge or Enlightenment
~ Swami Amar Jyoti
Welcome to Truth Consciousness Ashrams & Programs
Founded in 1974 by Swami Amar Jyoti, we are a Nonprofit Spiritual Organization that maintains ashrams based upon Sanatana Dharma (the eternal religion) and devoted to the unfolding of consciousness. They are universal and non-denominational, respecting all Prophets and faiths. The ashram programs we offer are year-round and all sincere seekers are welcome. Satsang is held weekly on Sunday and Thursday, including chanting, and Aarati and meditation.
Human evolution and upliftment of consciousness do not come about through cultural or technological advance, but by the blessing of spiritual unfoldment. In this sacred process, the Master-disciple relationship is paramount, so much so that it is known as the highest of all relationships on earth. The message of Swami Amar Jyoti is one of deep spiritual unity. His way is not to espouse a particular creed but to impart a spiritual way of life.
During His work for four decades (1961-2001), Swami Amar Jyoti awakened and uplifted countless souls around the world to God Consciousness, disseminating the timeless Truth underlying all traditions and faiths. Read More

Sacred Mountain – A short film by Erin Espelie
Just be a quiet witness. Your mind will gradually relax. This is the starting point of meditation ~ To Listen to streaming Satsangs of Swami Amar Jyoti
The Ashrams and Centers in the USA founded by Swami Amar Jyoti (Gurudeva) are located outside Boulder, CO and in Tucson, AZ. You are welcome to visit both of our ashrams by prior…
The Eternal Wisdom of the Himalayan sages is embodied in the oral teachings and writings of Swami Amar Jyoti. Reverently addressed as Gurudeva, He is a Satguru (True Guru) in…
Founded in 1974 by Swami Amar Jyoti, Truth Consciousness is a universal non-profit spiritual organization that maintains ashrams based upon Sanatana Dharma (the eternal religion)…
Have faith that the Spirit or Light is within you. Transformation will come.
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