The ashrams in the USA are located outside Boulder, Colorado and in Tucson, Arizona. Each ashram is situated in a setting of natural beauty on extensive acreage, pervaded by an atmosphere of peace and reverence for all life. For those seekers aspiring to live under the direct guidance of Gurudeva, the ashrams offer a blessed sanctuary open to seekers from all paths and walks of life.
A simple, balanced blending of the inner life of meditation and prayer with outer service encourages each resident disciple to maintain the spiritual focus. Every aspect of life and every activity, whether
prayer, meditation, worship, hatha yoga, walking, work or study becomes part of spiritual practice, with the aspiration to become purified in body and mind, and to make each moment an offering to the Lord. Guests are welcome to visit the ashrams. To arrange a visit at non-program times, please call in advance.
The major program at every ashram is Satsang, where devotees gather to imbibe Master’s transforming spiritual discourses. The words of the Master resonate within the mind and heart of the listener, awakening the inner wisdom that liberates the soul. Literally “communion with Truth” (from the Sanskrit), Satsang is the direct and awakening communication of the Satguru with each soul to realize our oneness with the Divine. In the Light and solace of His truth, we emerge purified, renewed and inspired on our spiritual journey.
The ashrams offer programs every week year-round, and all sincere seekers are welcome. Satsang is held twice weekly (Sunday and Thursday evenings), preceded by chanting and followed by meditation. Aarati (chanting of mantras and worship) is offered each morning and evening followed by meditation. Retreats are available; please inquire for details. Voluntary service (karma yoga) forms an integral part of the ashramites’ and devotees’ lives. For study, the ashrams maintain excellent libraries. There is no charge for any of these programs. Donations are always appreciated. Visitors are welcome to attend programs. Visitors are welcome by prior arrangement. To arrange a visit at non-program times, please call in advance.