Available in CD or Digital DownloadWe worship the Prophets for their tremendous unconditional Love and selfless being. In our drama, They suffer. The spirit behind Christmas. Letting go of false identification.Sample Audio



We worship the Prophets for their tremendous unconditional love and selfless Being. If God or His Prophets would stop loving us, the creation would end, because Love is the basis of creation.

Why is it so difficult to give up our false identification? Because we do not want to give it up. Those who want to give up false identification have no difficulty. They love it, because knowing the True Self is so joyful.

Why are there so many wars in the name of religion? The Prophets do not create this—we do, the ignorant ones. The Prophets love us; they are compassionate. The more you give love, the more expansive your love becomes. That is true living. Love the true, and you are released.

Krishna said to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita: “I continue to be born so many times, not because of my karmas. I have nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to achieve, nothing to do or undo. But for the protection of spiritual law, dharma, righteousness, and the for protection of my devotees, I take the body.”

The Prophets could just go to heaven and leave us to our karmas, but because they love us they do not do that. If God or His Prophets would stop loving us, the creation would end, because Love is the basis of creation.

~Swami Amar Jyoti

Featured Satsang in Light of Consciousness—Journal of Spiritual Awakening, Vol 14#1, Spring/Summer 2002.