Available in CD or Digital DownloadFreedom from the basic cause of suffering, the great promise of Vedanta. On Lord Buddha.Sample Audio
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We should take outside help, but ultimately our cure has to come from within. This is what Vedanta teaches—Thou Art That. Compassion to find out why we suffer drew Buddha to a deeper search.
As you go on peeling off the layers, you go from the surface mind deeper and deeper until you reach the subconscious mind. Go on analyzing and reflecting if you wish: see your desires, likes and dislikes, wants and aversions, your thoughts, worries, pleasures and pains, successes and failures. Or if not, just let go.
Go on asking, what is that fundamental, basic Substances? What is that which keeps the solar system, a galaxy, the world or your home together? What is it that keeps even your body constitution together? Whatever is changeful, transitory, limited and finite—go deeper until you come to something you call “nothing,” which is Infinite, Limitless, permanent. That is your Spirit, your Consciousness, your Brahman—ultimate Reality.
According to Vedanta, sorrows or suffering are of three kinds: suffering of the body, such as various illnesses; of the mind, where you have the pain of separation or less, as when someone passes away, or loss in money, prestige, position, name and fame; and suffering because of ego. It is because of ego that we suffer ignorance. The first two kinds of suffering are visible to all of us. The third one is not visible to many. Vedanta goes further that that, declaring that ego suffering is actually the only suffering worth mentioning. If you were not in ignorance, you would not have any suffering.
It was compassion, to find out why we suffer, why we get diseases, why we eventually die, that drew Buddha to a deeper search and that is why he renounced his kingdom. It would have been easy for him to open hospitals. To find your Home, where all miseries are over, is quite different. We should take outside help, but ultimately our cure has to come from within. This is what Vedanta teaches—Thou Art That.
—Swami Amar Jyoti
Featured Satsang in Light of Consciousness—Journal of Spiritual Awakening, Vol 14#2, Autumn 2002.