Available in CD or Digital DownloadLight can be discovered anywhere, anytime. Firm faith qualifies us for seeing the Light. Meditation on Light.Sample Audio



All our efforts in life are nothing else but trying to find the Light. In that shoreless ocean of Light you are instantly everywhere. Light is not only within us—it is seeking Itself through us.

Since ages each of us has been trying to find this fundamental Light. All our efforts in life, including confusion, struggles and misunderstandings, are nothing else but trying to find this Light. That which is the clearest, most distinct and forever bright wants to come out from behind the inner clouds. To the extent that youare able to do this, you will see clearly and have no problems or confusion. But whenever your seeing faculty becomes blocked, you feel restless, excited, struggling, and so on. The Light of Consciousness is not only outside us but also within us.

What we have been talking, hearing, reading, and even meditating upon Light, are simply symbolic ways to arrest and focus our minds. That fundamental Light, when it shines, is something we have never conceived of or imagined. The highest description I have come across is in the Mundaka Upanishad: “There the sun does not shine, nor the moon, nor the stars, nor does the lightning flash. What to speak of fire! Because of Thy Light, all is illuminated. With His Shining, everything shines.”